Virtual Craft Club
Hi everyone,
We know how much y'all are going to miss Craft Club, so to help everyone stay safe and stay in touch, we're going to host a virtual version of Craft Club until we're able to meet in person again. Virtual Craft Club will start March 22 at the usual time of 3-5 PM.
We will be using a Zoom meeting. The full meeting invite is pasted below if anyone would like to call in on the phone, but most folks will want to access the meeting through this link:
Meagen has volunteered to provide technical support to anyone who needs help setting up Zoom. If you need help accessing the meeting or setting up, Meagen will be available starting at 2:30 PM to help you access the meeting, troubleshoot, and get to know Zoom.
Staying connected is going to be key for helping each other through the uncertainties that these next few weeks will bring. So we hope you'll join us for some crafting, conversation and community.
See you online!
Stay well,
Topic: Virtual Craft Club
Time: Mar 29, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every week on Sun, until Apr 26, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 381 346 397
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